
  • 布莱恩Wellinghoff
  • 布莱恩Wellinghoff

多年来, we at Barry-Wehmiller have seen broad acceptance of the need of our message of Truly Human 领导 at almost every level of education.

We’ve come to realize that the skills and courage to be a caring leader are not necessarily things with which we’re born; they can, 然而, 被教导和学习.


多年来, our CEO Bob 查普曼 has been a guest lecturer for the Olin School of Business leadership series at Washington University in St. 路易. 外围十大菠菜app与夏洛特拉丁学校的教育推广工作, 夏洛特的一所私立K-12学校, NC, 是外围十大菠菜app“真正的人类领导力”播客的主题吗.

外围十大菠菜app已经把外围十大菠菜app的领导模式介绍给了圣乔治学院的学生和教师. Norbert College in Wisconsin and I’ve had the privilege of teaching undergraduate students for the past three years at Cal State Northridge. 和, 最近, we’re excited to have begun collaborating with Fordham University in New York City to bring our groundbreaking listening training to students there.

此外,还写了两个关于外围十大菠菜app领导方法的案例研究. 一个是哈佛大学的教授 目前,全国28所大学开设了商学院. 另一个, 作者是麦肯锡(McKinsey)前合伙人,现为IE商学院(IE Business School)教员, 全欧洲都在教授什么.

外围十大菠菜app正在努力将外围十大菠菜app的信息传递给教育机构, 但是需要取得更多的进展, 包括对需求本身的认识.

博士. 戴尔年代. Deardorff, Adjunct Professor of 领导 of 工程 Professionals and High-Tech Firms at Cal State Northridge (CSUN) told me, 今天的学生“比我以前见过的任何时候都更渴望真正有人性的领导.

“在过去的一年里,在COVID环境下, 几乎每个人都在经历更大程度的压力和挫折, 包括外围十大菠菜app的学生,迪尔多夫说. “他们更能接触到自己的个人情感, 这为更容易进行以人为本的领导对话提供了一个机会.”

Professor Deardorff has been an advocate for people-centric leadership for decades as a Boeing Program and Project Manager, 还是大学水平的讲师. He was given the opportunity to design a leadership course for technical professionals with wide latitude to incorporate the elements he felt were most important. 


Today, the course provides an advanced study of leadership attributes, skills, theories and concepts. 它还处理了领导者选择方面的挑战, 表演, 高科技公司的终止和冲突情况.

“What makes Barry-Wehmiller such a great case study is that is it truly authentic,迪尔多夫说. 当我读到 每个人都很重要, the challenges it described are so relevant to what our students struggle with in their current organizations.” 

迪尔多夫在CSUN的学生大多是在职专业人士, 为他们提供在组织中立即应用这些材料的机会.  和 the students encounter plenty of challenges in creating an environment of Truly Human 领导 in their workplaces.

“Almost all of them are somewhat hesitant to even mention Truly Human 领导 in their organizations,迪尔多夫说. “Too many companies think that leadership training is either about cute cartoons or about 10 process steps. 领导能力远不止这些. 领导是个人的. 领导力是鼓舞人心的. 如果你在教领导力课程, 你不是在谈论人际关系和倾听, 你错失良机了.”

Deardorff brings this concept of relationship alive for his students in a variety of reflective and interactive elements. 

“唯一的方法就是练习, 把人们置于一个可以犯错误并从中吸取教训的环境中.” 

外围十大菠菜app发现Barry-Wehmiller也是如此. Our internal Barry-Wehmiller University was founded on the idea of “integrated” education that heavily leverages activities, 突破组织, 练习会话, 课后继续学习. These experiential elements have brought the essentials of leadership to life for thousands inside Barry-Wehmiller and now thousands outside Barry-Wehmiller through partnerships with other companies, 社区和教育工作者. 

为迪尔多夫教授的课堂带来实际见解是我的荣幸, 我也看到了同样的对领导力的渴望, 联系和实际应用. 我会讨论领导力, 信任, listening and recognition- Barry-Wehmiller’s bedrock topics- and value the participation and the effort of the students. 

在上节课中, a student held her young daughter on her lap as she asked me about my experience of leadership at Barry-Wehmiller. 如果有人怀疑今天的年轻领导人对新领导品牌的渴望, look no farther than the passion of this student to juggle the demands of parenthood and personal development.


他说:“这让我了解到学生们在课堂之外的想法。. “外围十大菠菜app的学生在虚拟环境中非常积极参与, 但这本杂志让我了解了他们提供的评论背后的背景.” 

类似的, Barry-Wehmiller发现写日记是课后继续学习的一种有效方式. 这种做法不仅对教授有帮助, 教练, 或导师, but it greatly enhances the impact of learning by allowing students to reflect on the practical applications.

“The journal entries help me see how the hunger for People-Centric 领导 is truly displayed,迪尔多夫说. “学生们,实际上每个人都非常希望分享他们的经历,与他人建立联系.  这是成为一名伟大领导者的核心意义. We all need to listen to others, inspire them, and support them in fully unleashing their potential.”

在Barry-Wehmiller, we feel we are called to not just be an example of Truly Human 领导 but to share these principles with other companies, 社区和教育工作者. 

This investment for Barry-Wehmiller is more than worth it because of the impact it will have on future generations. 


“Truly Human 领导 is important today because many organizations have become detached from the people aspect. The ongoing pandemic has shown that many organizations carry out Truly Human 领导 because they have gone above and beyond to take 护理 of their employees by taking measures to keep them healthy, 安全, 被照顾. 然而, other companies have shown that their self-interest is above caring for their people resulting in undesirable working conditions or massive layoffs. 一直以来, organizations are stating that working in undesirable conditions or taking part in massive layoffs is necessary for its survival.

“These organizations do not realize the impact on the employees they layoff and the ripple effect on their families, 社会, 和社区. I honestly believe that once this pandemic is over and companies rollout initiatives to hire many, 人们会记住哪些组织表现出了同情心, 护理, 尊重和真正的人类领导力以及哪些组织忘记了它们.” 

The power and insight of this quote from a student completely validates the power of Truly Human 领导 in our educational institutions.

“I believe we are right at the point where a growth spurt [in how we teach leadership] is going to happen,迪尔多夫说.  “如果(教育工作者)真的相信这些原则是至关重要的, 他们应该向前迈进,并向任何人寻求帮助来发展自己的道路.”


如果你是一个教育工作者,对建立一个有倾听和同理心的关爱社区感兴趣, 联系 查普曼关爱社区基金会.

If you are a business leader interested in deepening your organization’s commitment to Truly Human 领导, 联系 查普曼 & Co. 领导学院.

If you are an educator who wants to deepen your understanding of Truly Human 领导 for yourself or your students, 探索这个网站或联系我更多的资源.


鲍勃·查普曼/ 2021年5月27日
鲍勃·查普曼/ 2024年4月19日
鲍勃·查普曼/ 2019年8月1日

需要帮助在你的组织中应用真正人性化的领导原则? 查普曼 & Co. 领导学院 is Barry-Wehmiller's leadership consulting firm that partners with other companies to create strategic visions, 参与员工, 通过领导力培训,改善企业文化,培养优秀的领导者, 评估及工作坊.

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