
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
    首席执行官 & Barry-Wehmiller的主席
"We need leaders who lead with all of their body parts: their brain, 他们的心, 他们的灵魂, 还有他们的内脏." ——休伯特·乔利

在过去的几年里, I’ve found many kindred spirits as I’ve traveled the world spreading the message of Truly Human 领导. I’ve always felt it important to shine a light on these voices who align with our values.

我最近有机会联系到 休伯特乔利他是百思买前首席执行官. 他最近出版了一本新书, The Heart of Business: 领导 Principles for the Next Era of Capitalism.

He and I have had similar journeys to the way we approach business and leadership. 来自零售行业, 休伯特乔利 has a very distinctive voice and perspective that leaders would do well to heed.

在麦肯锡最近的一次采访中.com, this is how he described the purpose or need for his book:

世界显然正面临一场多方面的危机, 不管是健康危机, 经济危机, 社会危机, 环境, 诸如此类. 疯狂的定义是什么? 做同样的事情,却希望得到不同的结果. 40年来, we’ve been following a model that was based on two sources of inspiration: [conservative economist] Milton Friedman’s primacy of 分享holders and Bob McNamara’s 1 [principle of] use your brain to get to the right answer, 然后告诉别人该怎么做. 很明显,这给外围十大菠菜app带来了麻烦. 在COVID-19危机之前,我也是这么觉得的, 当然, but even more so now—that we need an urgent refoundation of business and capitalism around purpose and humanity. To find new ways for all of us to lead so that we can create a better future, 更可持续的未来.

This new way of thinking – where the intersection of people, purpose and performance work for the benefit of all – is counterintuitive to the ways we, 作为商业领袖, 有没有被教导去思考成功和利益.

Though there are many bright spots of caring leadership in the world, 它仍然是例外, 不是常态. Caring has been left out of the equation so long 在商业 leadership, we see it as a novelty or a “shift” when companies decide to reaffirm their humanity.

And that’s what it comes down to, business reconnecting with humanity.

Joly goes on to describe two ways we can start to do just that:

一是重新思考外围十大菠菜app对工作的看法. 工作有时被视为一种诅咒, as something we do so that we can do something else that’s more fun. 我有不同的看法. I love the Lebanese poet Kahlil Gibran, who said, “Work is love made visible.” Work can be part of our calling, part of our search for meaning, why we exist. And I think in the heart of every individual, there’s a desire to do good things in the world. 第二件事是外围十大菠菜app如何看待公司. 外围十大菠菜app把它们看作是赚钱的机器吗? Or do we see them as human organizations made of individuals working together in pursuit of a goal? 在大多数人的生活中, their greatest desire is not how much money they’re going to make, or [how quickly] they make VP [vice president] or something like this, 这是黄金法则. If you can create this environment where there’s connection of purpose and people can be themselves, 然后奇迹发生了.

几年前,我呼吁一场“人类革命” as an antidote to the ills caused by business in the last several decades. 利润作为目的的演变. The reality is, we can balance economic value with human value, where everyone benefits.

The Human Revolution is about organizational leadership reconnecting with their own humanity and recognizing the humanity of those they lead. Recognizing that the people within their span of care are not numbers on a spreadsheet that are part of the calculations that equal profit and loss, but someone’s precious children and should be treated accordingly. Recognizing that the people within their span of care are not just functions, but whole beings who are capable of so much more than the role they are pigeonholed into.

除了做正确的事, this paradigm shift when it comes to how we view business can have a much larger impact than we can imagine.

在Barry-Wehmiller的旅程中, we’ve found that people are capable of doing amazing things if we just give them 环境 in which they can discover, 开发, 分享, 并感谢他们的礼物.

When we treat people with respect and dignity and create opportunities through which they can realize their potential and be appreciated for it is how we, 在商业, can truly change the world and create 更可持续的未来.


在一天结束的时候, a company is a human organization made of individuals working together in pursuit of a goal. 这些人为所有利益相关者创造价值. 他们是资源,而不仅仅是资源.

商业常常就像弗兰肯斯坦的怪物. We put together random pieces that we think will create the perfect organism. We artificially animate it and it is powerful and strong, but ultimately has no soul. 它不是真正的人类. 结果是毁灭性的.

Have you sacrificed humanity in your company to create a “well-oiled machine” that creates profit value for 分享holders, regardless of its effect on the people within or the community outside?

If you were to explain the ROI of caring to your board or 分享holders, it would be having teammates that are healthier because they feel valued and understood by their leaders and teammates. 当他们回到亲人身边的时候, they 分享 joy and fulfillment instead of the stress and bitterness of feeling unappreciated and insignificant.

值得庆幸的是, a leader like 休伯特乔利 understands that adopting a philosophy like Truly Human 领导 is the “best buy” a company can make.


布伦特·斯图尔特/ 2023年5月10日
鲍勃·查普曼/ 2013年7月3日

Need help in applying principles of Truly Human 领导 in your organization? 查普曼 & Co. 领导 Institute is Barry-Wehmiller's leadership consulting firm that partners with other companies to create strategic visions, 参与员工, improve corporate culture and 开发 outstanding leaders through leadership training, 评估及工作坊.

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